Who Fixes Power Commander 3 Near Gardena Ca


Paid in Fyrestone
Completed 5 missions in the Arid Badlands
See All Missions.

Made in Fyrestone
Completed all missions in the Arid Badlands
See All Missions.

Paid in New Haven
Completed 5 missions in the Rust Commons
See All Missions.

Made in New Haven
Completed all missions in the Rust Commons
See All Missions.

My Brother is an Italian Plumber
Killed an enemy plumber-style
Easy to get by jump to a low-level Skag Pup to finish it off.

12 Days of Pandora
Mastered the technology of Pandora
This is a challenge from the list. You must kill enemies with these:
12 Combat Rifle kills
11 Pistol kills
10 Shotgun kills
9 SMG kills
8 Sniper Rifle kills
7 Melee kills
6 Critical hit kills
5 Explosive kills
4 Shock kills
3 Incendiary kills
2 Faces melted (Corrosive)
1 Grenade kill

Wanted: Sledge
Killed Sledge
Story related, can't be missed.

Wanted: Krom
Killed Krom
Story related, can't be missed.

Wanted: Flynt
Killed Flynt
Story related, can't be missed.

Destroyed the Hive
Killed the Rakk Hive
Story related, can't be missed.

Destroyed the Destroyer
Killed the Vault Boss
Story related, can't be missed.

Speedy McSpeederton
Raced around the Ludicrous Speedway in record time
In The Dahl Headlands, go to where "Death Race Pandora" mission is. Complete the track in under 31 seconds.

You call this archaeology?
Applied an elemental artifact
Once you complete "Shock Crystal Harvest" or "The Legend of Moe and Marley" mission, apply it to change your normal action skill to any element.

Ding! Newbie
Earned level 5
See Ding! Overleveled to 11.

Ding! Novice
Earned level 10
See Ding! Overleveled to 11.

Ding! Expert
Earned level 20
See Ding! Overleveled to 11.

Ding! Hardcore
Earned level 30
See Ding! Overleveled to 11.

Ding! Sleepless
Earned level 40
See Ding! Overleveled to 11.

Discovered Skag Gully
Discovered Skag Gully
Story related, can't be missed.

Discovered Sledge's Safe House
Discovered Sledge's Safe House
Story related, can't be missed.

Discovered Headstone Mine
Discovered Headstone Mine
Story related, can't be missed.

Discovered Trash Coast
Discovered Trash Coast
Story related, can't be missed.

Discovered The Scrapyard
Discovered The Scrapyard
Story related, can't be missed.

Discovered Krom's Canyon
Discovered Krom's Canyon
Story related, can't be missed.

Discovered Crimson Lance Enclave
Discovered Crimson Lance Enclave
Story related, can't be missed.

Discovered Eridian Promontory
Discovered Eridian Promontory
Story related, can't be missed.

Ding! Champion
Earned level 50
See Ding! Overleveled to 11.

Get A Little Blood on the Tires
Killed 25 enemies by ramming them with any vehicle
Once you complete "Bone Head's Theft" mission for access to spawning vehicles, teleport any vehicle and run over 25 enemies.

Rootinest, Tootinest, Shootinest
Killed 5 Rakk in under 10 seconds
Easy to get by kill low-level rakks in Skag Gully or Arid Badlands.

Pandora-dog Millionaire
Earned $1,000,000
Simply can't be missed as you progress through Playthrough 1 or 2.

Sold 50 guns to a shop
Easy to get by buy "Healing Kit" and sell them on Medical Vending Machine. Or find and loot 50 low-level guns and sell them.

Can't We Get BEYOND Thunderdome?
Emerged victorious from an arena match
There are three arenas: Fyrestone Coliseum, The Cesspool, and Devil's Footstool, located in either Arid Badlands, Rust Commons West or Salt Falts. You need to play co-op, and win the match by score three kills.

Won a duel against another player
Melee each other player to start a duel, and then beat it.

Group LF Healer
Rescued a groupmate from death in a co-op game
Hold F to revive as your teammate being down by enemies. You can kill them before you revive it.

There's No "I" In "Team"
Completed 15 missions in co-op
Same as Paid / Made in *Name* but only co-op.

United We Stand
Defeated the Rakk Hive, the Vault Boss, Sledge, Krom, or Flynt in a co-op game
Same as Wanted: / Destroyed the *Name* but only co-op.

And They'll Tell Two Friends
Play with at least two other players.
Simply join a match with at least two other players. You can invite your friends as you and your friends will get this achievement.

Weapon Aficionado
Reached proficiency level 10 with any weapon type
Simply can't be missed as you progress through Playthrough 1 or 2.

Base, pt.2

You're on a boat!
I bet you never thought you'd be here.
In Treacher's Landing, go to the dock in the southeast and jump on the boat.

Won a duel without taking damage
Same as Duel-icious without taking damage.

Killed 25 enemies with corrosive weapons
You must kill 25 enemies with a corrosive weapon.

1.21 Gigawatts
Killed 25 enemies with shock weapons
Same as Facemelter but shock weapon.

Killed 25 enemies with incendiary weapons
Same as Facemelter but incendiary weapon.

Master Exploder
Killed 25 enemies with explosive weapons
Same as Facemelter but explosive weapon or vehicle's rocket launcher.

There are some who call me...Tim
Equipped a class mod for your character
Once you complete "Sledge: Battle For The Badlands" mission, equip it in the inventory.

Fully Loaded
Rescued enough Claptraps to earn 42 inventory slots
There are 13 locations throughout where you must rescue Claptraps. Look at "!" on the map that indicating a broken Claptrap and rescue him.

Truly Outrageous
Killed an enemy with the Siren's action skill
Once you reach level 5, press F and kill an enemy.

Careful, He Bites
Killed 15 enemies with the Hunter's action skill
Same as Truly Outrageous but you must kill 15 enemies.

Reckless Abandon
Killed 15 enemies with the Berserker's action skill
Same as Careful, He Bites.

Down in Front!
Killed 15 enemies with the Soldier's action skill
Same as Careful, He Bites.

The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned DLC

House of the Ned
Completed the "House of the Ned" mission
Story related, can't be missed.

Jakobs Fodder
Completed the "Jakobs Fodder" mission
Story related, can't be missed.

Night of the Living Ned
Killed Ned...sort of
Story related, can't be missed.

Ned's Undead, Baby
Killed Ned. Again.
Story related, can't be missed.

Completed the "Braaaaaaaaaaaaains!" mission
In Hallow's End, go to the southwestern area, there is T.K. leg that you can accept it to open the door and Zombie T.K. Baha is here. You must complete these missions to get this achievement:

Brains: 10 brains
Braaains: 25 brains
Braaaaains: 50 brains
Braaaaaaaaaaaains: 100 brains
Braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaains: 250 brains

To get the brains, you must kill zombies and defilers with headshots.

Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot DLC

Small Tournament
Completed the Prove Yourself mission
How to obtain: Story related, can't be missed.

Reached the end of the larger challenge in the Hell-Burbia coliseum
I recommended to have a low-level host creates a match, and you and other players' max level character will join it. Enemies' level is host's level only so you'll beat Round 20 easily. Be careful watch Horde wave, the horde of psycho will quickly kill you as they deal a lot of damage. This takes 2-3 hours.

The Angelic Ruins
Reached the end of the larger challenge in The Angelic Ruins coliseum
Same as Hell-Burbia.

The Gully
Reached the end of the larger challenge in The Gully coliseum
Same as Hell-Burbia.

Big Tournament
Reached the end of each of the 3 larger challenges with one character
Same as the arena achievements with only the same character.

The Secret Armory of General Knoxx DLC

Making a Monster
Built the New Car: Monster
Story related, can't be missed.

Athena, Out
Rescued Athena
Story related, can't be missed.

Depot Demolition
Destroyed the Lance Depot
Story related, can't be missed.

Killed Crawmerax the Invincible
Crawmerax appears in the mission "You. Will. Die." after the main story mission is completed. Each of his minions is vulnerable to a different element: the Green Craw Worms are weak against fire, the Armored Craw Worms are weak against corrosion, and Craw Maggots are weak against shock. -fr- blk magic made that guide for killing Crawmerax and his minions.

Sneaky Little Buggers
Killed each of the loot midgets
There are five loot midgets to kill:

Mini Steve - Red chests near the Claptrap in Lockdown Palace
Truxican Wrestler - One of the first lockers of Lockdown Palace
Meat Popsicle - In a hidden room under T-Bone Junction
Crimson Shorty - Crimson Lance chest at the end of Road's End
Dumpster Diver - In Motorhead's garage in The Ridgeway during "Little People, Big Experiments" mission

Speed Kills
Destroyed a Lancer while in a Racer
Once you complete "You've Got Moxxi: Moxxi's Red Light" mission for access to spawning a Racer, teleport it and destroy a Lancer.

Ding! Overleveled
Reached Level 51
See Ding! Overleveled to 11.

Ding! Overleveled to 11
Reached Level 61
If you playing through the game then this isn't really hard achievement. Simply level up by running around killing enemies and completing missions including DLCs on Playthrough 1 AND 2.

Completed all missions in Secret Armory
See All Missions.

Sucker born every minute
Paid for a worthless tour of the world's largest bullet
In Sunken Sea, go to where "Code Breaker: Time is Bullets" mission is. Go to the door with a money box where ECHO recorder is, paid $8,000,000. To save the money after got it, use Alt + F4 before save and quit or hit the save station.

Claptrap's New Robot Revolution DLC

Read all 6 claptrap statue placards
Claptrap statues appear at outside of the start locations (Hyperion Dump, Sanders Gorge, Dividing Faults and Scorched Snake Canyon) after completing the story mission except 5th and 6th statue:
Tartarus Station - In the northeast corner of the map during "Operation Trap Claptrap Trap, Phase Four: Reboot" mission.
Wayward Pass - Just after defeating General Knoxx-Trap.

Knoxx is at rest...finally
Story related, can't be missed.

The Commandant is dead-trap
Story related, can't be missed.

Killed Ned... again and again and again
Story related, can't be missed.

Muerte la robo-lución
Defeated the Interplanetary Ninja Assassin Claptrap
Story related, can't be missed.

The Collector
Completed Tannis' crazy request
This is similar to Braaaaaaaaaaaaains! achievement from the Zombie Island of Dr. Ned DLC. You must complete these missions from Tannis:

Fight For Your Right To Part-E: 42 components
Parts Is Parts: 75 components
We All Have Our Part To Play: 100 components
A Part Of Something Larger Than Yourself: 150 components

It's so realistic!
Collected 5 3D glasses
Dropped by Claptraps. You would get it during missions. You may farm them or MINAC if you haven't got an achievement.

The Lubricator
Found 25 claptrap oil cans
Same as It's so realistic!.

Collected 15 claptrap bobbleheads
Same as It's so realistic!.

What a party!
Collected 3 panties, 5 fish in a bag, and 15 pizzas
Same as It's so realistic!.

All Missions

There are 216 missions total in Base and all DLCs.
+ are side missions.
Hidden missions are highlighted in bold text if you haven't find it.


Arid Badlands:
Fresh Off The Bus
The Doctor Is In
Claptrap Rescue
Skags At The Gate
Fix'er Upper
Blinding Nine-Toes
Nine-Toes: Meet T.K. Baha
Nine-Toes: T.K.'s Food
Got Grenades?
Nine-Toes: Take Him Down
Nine-Toes: Time To Collect
Job Hunting
+T.K. Has More Work
Why Are They Here? - ECHO recorder on a bench near the start of Skag Gully after "T.K. Has More Work" is complete
+T.K.'s Life And Limb
+By The Seeds Of Your Pants
Bone Head's Theft
+Get A Little Blood On The Tires
The Piss Wash Hurdle
+Hidden Journal: The Arid Badlands
+Claptrap Rescue: The Lost Cave
+Shock Crystal Harvest
Return To Zed
Sledge: Meet Shep
+Braking Wind
+Get The Flock Outta Here
Sledge: The Mine Key
+Scavenger: Sniper Rifle
+The Legend Of Moe and Marley
+Circle Of Death: Meat And Greet
+Circle Of Death: Round 1
+Circle Of Death: Round 2
+Circle Of Death: Final Round
Sledge: To The Safe House
+Claptrap Rescue: Safe House
+Scavenger: Combat Rifle
+What Hit The Fan
Sledge: Battle For The Badlands
+Find Bruce McClane
+Product Recall
+Insult To Injury
+Schemin' That Sabotage
Leaving Fyrestone

The Dahl Headlands:
+Big Game Hunter
Getting Lucky
Powering The Fast Travel Network
+Scavenger: Revolver
+Fuel Feud
+Death Race Pandora
+Ghosts of the Vault
+Well There's Your Problem Right There
Road Warriors: Hot Shots
Road Warriors: Bandit Apocalypse

New Haven:
Power To The People
+Claptrap Rescue: New Haven
+King Tossing
+Corrosive Crystal Harvest
+Claptrap Rescue: Tetanus Warren
+Like A Moth To Flame
+Is T.K. O.K.?
Seek Out Tannis
+Scooter's Used Car Parts
+Up To Our Ears
+Firepower: All Sales Are Final
+Firepower: Market Correction
+Firepower: Plight Of The Middle Man
+Jack's Other Eye
+Scavenger: Submachine Gun
+Hidden Journal: Rust Commons West
+Missing Persons
+Two Wrongs Make A Right
+Middle Of Nowhere No More: Investigate
+Relight The Beacons
+Smoke Signals: Investigate Old Haven
+Dumpster Diving For Great Justice
Jaynistown: Getting What's Coming To You
+Wanted: Fresh Fish
+I've Got A Sinking Feeling...
Jaynistown: Unintended Consequences
Jaynistown: Cleaning Up Your Mess

Rust Commons West:
Meet 'Crazy' Earl
+Circle Of Slaughter: Meat and Greet
+Circle Of Slaughter: Round 1
+Circle Of Slaughter: Round 2
+Circle Of Slaughter: Final Round
Jaynistown: Secret Rendezvous
Not Without My Claptrap

Rust Commons East:
+Middle Of Nowhere No More: Fuses? Really?
+Middle Of Nowhere No More: Small Favor
+Middle Of Nowhere No More: Scoot On Back
+Altar Ego: Burning Heresy
+Scavenger: Shotgun
+Hidden Journal: Rust Commons East
+A Bug Problem
+Altar Ego: The New Religion
+Altar Ego: Godless Monsters
Green Thumb - In a large broken pipe with a giant sunflower near the second bridge
Jaynistown: A Brother's Love
Jaynistown: Spread The Word
+Bait And Switch
+House Hunting
Another Piece Of The Puzzle
+Scavenger: Machine Gun

Earl's Scrapyard:
Get Off My Lawn!
+Today's Lesson: High Explosives
+Claptrap Rescue: Scrapyard
Hair Of The Dog
The Next Piece
+Earl Needs Food...Badly
+Earl's Best Friend

Krom's Canyon:
+Claptrap Rescue: Krom's Canyon

Old Haven:
+Smoke Signals: Shut Them Down
Bandit Treasure: Three Corpses, Three Keys - Near a bunch of dead bandits at the start of Old Haven
Bandit Treasure: X Marks the Spot - Previously the mission, Bandit Treasure: Three Corpses, Three Keys
+Claptrap Rescue: Old Haven

Trash Coast:
+Claptrap Rescue: Trash Coast

Salt Flats:
+Claptrap Rescue: The Salt Flats
The Final Piece

Crimson Fastness:
+Claptrap Rescue: Crimson Fastness
Get Some Answers
Find The Echo Command Console
Reactivate the ECHO Comm System
Find Steele
Destroy The Destroyer
Bring The Vault Key To Tannis

The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned

Jakobs Cove:
Welcoming Committee
Is The Doctor In?
+Eggcellent Opportunity!
+Missing: Hank Reiss
House of the Ned
+Leave It To The Professionals
+Here We Go Again
+It's Alive
+The Pack
Secrets and Mysteries
A Bridge Too Ned

Hallow's End:
There May Be Some Side Effects...
TK Lives! - In the southwestern area

Dead Haven:
Jakobs Fodder
Hitching A Ride

Lumber Yard:
Night of the Living Ned
+Claptrap Rescue: The Lumber Yard
Ned's undead, baby, Ned's undead

Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot

The Underdome:
Prove Yourself.

All Missions, pt. 2

The Secret Armory of General Knoxx

T-Bone Junction:
Scooter? But I Don't Even Know Her.
+Big Crimson Brother is Watching
+Wanted: Dead!
Boost the Monster
+Core Collection
You've Got Moxxi: Roadblock
+Road Rage
+Power Leech
+This ♥♥♥♥♥ is Payback
Code Breaker: Analysis
+Drifter Lifter
+Knoxxed Out
+This ♥♥♥♥♥ is Payback, pt. 2
Bridging the Gap
+You. Will. Die.
+Mop Up
+Super-Marcus Sweep
+Local Trouble
+It's Like Christmas!
+Circle of Duty: New Recruit

The Crimson Tollway:
You've Got Moxxi: Moxxi's Red Light

Deep Fathoms:
Armory Assault

Moxxi's Red Light
Prison Break: Road Warrior
+Thrown for a Loop
+Stain Removal

The Ridgeway:
Prison Break: Over the Wall
Code Breaker: Time is Bullets

Sunken Sea:
Prison Break: Try Not to Get Shanked
Athena Set Up Us The Bomb
Purple Juice! - In a shack under a Hyperion billboard
Little People, Big Experiments - Previously the mission, Purple Juice!

Lockdown Palace:
+Claptrap Rescue: Lockdown Palace

Circle of Duty:
+Circle of Duty: Cadet
+Circle of Duty: Private
+Circle of Duty: Corporal
+Circle of Duty: Sergeant
+Circle of Duty: Medal of Duty

Road's End:
Lost Lewts - Red chest in a small shack in a cave arena

Crimson Armory:
Loot Larceny

Claptrap's New Robot Revolution

Tartarus Station:
Are You From These Parts?
+Fight For Your Right To Part-E
+Parts Is Parts
+We All Have Our Part To Play
+A Part Of Something Larger Than Yourself
New Contact
+Like Shootin' Rakk in a Barrel
+Spa Vs. Spa
+Burnin' Rubber
Operation Trap Claptrap Trap, Phase One
+It's a Trap... Clap
+Finger Lickin' Bad!
Operation Trap Claptrap Trap, Phase Two: Industrial Revolution
+Taking Stock
Operation Trap Claptrap Trap, Phase Three: TripWIRED
+Not My Fault
+Old Spicy
+Eleven Rakk And Spices
Operation Trap Claptrap Trap, Phase Four: Reboot
Helping is its own reward... Wait No it isn't!

Who Fixes Power Commander 3 Near Gardena Ca

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1708826312

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