Pull Back Vs Draw Back in Tap

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CHUG - 1 - lift heels, slide forward and then drop the heels at the end of the slide forward

CININNATI - &1&2&3 - spank HEEL shuffle HEEL step

JUMP CLICK - 1 - click either the toe taps together or the heel taps together

CLUNK - 1 - hit the inside of the toe and heel tap against the floor at the same time

CRAMP ROLL - 1&a2 - step STEP heel HEEL

     Double Cramp Roll (Flap Cramp Roll) - a1&a2 - flap STEP heel HEEL

     Stamp Cramp Roll Turn - 1 2&a3 - stamp STEP step heel HEEL (turning)


DIG (Heel) - 1 - hit the back edge of the heel tap against the floor

DIG TOE (Heel Toe) - 1& - dig toe

DIG TOE STEP HEEL (Heel Toe Toe Heel) - 1&2& - dig toe STEP HEEL

DOUBLE... - find the root step (for double irish, find irish and look below it)

DRAWBACK - &a1 - spank HEEL step


FLAP - &1 or a1 - brush step

     Flap Ball Change - a1 a2 or &1&2 - brush step STEP step

     Flap Heel - &1 2 or &a1 - brush step heel

     Flap Heel Turn - &1 2 or &a1 - brush step heel (turning)


GRAB OFF (see Pullbacks) - a1 - jump backwards and "spank" both your feet as they leave the floor then land on the balls of both feet


HEEL - 1 - hit your heel against the floor

HEEL STAND - 1 - jump onto the back edges of your heels and balance

HOP - 1 - propel yourself into the air off of one foot and land on the ball of that same foot



IRISH - a1 a2 or e&a1 - shuffle HOP step

     Irish Pullback - a1&a2 - shuffle SINGLE-PULLBACK step

     Step Irish Turn - 1e&a2 - step SHUFFLE hop STEP (turning)

     Double Irish (version 1) - &1&2&3&4 or a1 a2 a3 a4 - shuffle ball change, shuffle HOP step


JUMP - 1 - propel yourself into the air and land on the balls of both feet at the same time


LEAP - 1 - push off of one foot and into the air and land on the ball of the other foot


MAXIE FORD - 1&2&3 or 1e&a2 or 1 a2 a3 - step SHUFFLE STEP toe (toe crosses in back)

     Double Maxie Ford - &1&2&3 or a1e&a2 - flap SHUFFLE STEP toe

     Maxie Ford Pullback - 1e&a*2 - step SHUFFLE switching-pullback toe

     Maxie Ford Turn - 1e&a2 - step SHUFFLE STEP toe (turning)


OVER THE TOP - 1 2 - step KICK LEG INTO THE AIR, jump over the airborne leg and land on the original stepping foot


PADDLES (see Scuffle Step) - 1&a - dig spank step

PADDLE AND ROLL (see Scuffle Step Heel) - 1e&a - dig spank step heel

PADDLE TURN - 1&a - spank step STEP (turning)

PARADIDDLE (see Scuffle Step Heel) - 1e&a - dig spank step heel

PULLBACK (Pull, Grab-Off, Pick-Up which I consider a different step) - a1 - jump backwards and as your feet leave the floor they both do a spank at the same time then both feet land on the balls of the feet at the same time

     Double Pullback - 1&a2 - pull PULL step STEP

     Single Pullback (One-Foot Pullback) - a1 - start on one foot, push off the floor into the air and as your foot leaves the floor do a spank then land on the ball of the foot

     Switching Pullback (Swapping, Alternating Pullback) - a1 - start on one foot, push off the floor into the air and as your foot leaves the floor do a spank then land on the ball of the other foot


RIFF - a1 - (this is taught many different ways) touch dig or touch scuff or brush scuff

     Step Riff Heel (Hop Riff Heel, Leap Riff Heel) - 1&a2 - step TOUCH DIG heel or step BRUSH DIG heel

     Stamp Step Riff Heel Turn - 1 2&a3 - stamp STEP touch scuff HEEL or stamp STEP brush scuff HEEL

     3-Beat Riff Walk (Slam, Flam, Slurp, Third) - &a1 - touch dig toe or brush dig toe

     4-Beat Riff Walk - a1 a2 - touch scuff dig toe or brush scuff dig toe

     5-Beat Riff Walk - a1&a2 - touch scuff HEEL dig toe or brush scuff HEEL dig toe

     6-Beat Riff Walk - &a1&a2 - touch scuff HEEL dig toe heel or brush scuff HEEL dig toe heel

     7-Beat Riff Walk - &a1e&a2 - touch scuff HEEL dig toe HEEL heel or brush scuff HEEL dig toe HEEL heel

     Riffle - &a1 - touch dig spank or brush dig spank

     Riffle Step - e&a1 - touch dig spank step or brush dig spank step


SCUFF - 1 - swing your foot forward and hit the back edge of the heel tap as the foot swings

SCUFFLE (Dig Brush, Dig Spank, Paddle) - &1 or a1 - dig spank

     Scuffle Step (Paddles, Dig Brush Step) - 1&a or &a1 - dig spank step

     Scuffle Step Heel (Dig Brush Toe Heel, Paddle and Roll, Paradiddle) - 1&2& or 1e&a - dig spank step heel

SHIRLEY TEMPLE (see Alexander) - &1&2&3&4 - flap HEEL heel SPANK heel TOE heel

SHUFFLE - &1 or a1 - brush spank

     Pendulum Shuffle - a1 a2 - brush to the front then spank in front of the standing foot, then brush back out to the front and then spank diagonally back to the side

     Shuffle Ball Change - &1&2 or a1 a2 - brush spank step STEP

     Shuffle Pullback - e&a1 - brush spank SWITCHING-PULLBACK

     Shuffle Step (Running Shuffle, Leap Shuffles, Jogging Shuffles) - &a1 - brush spank step

     Shuffle Step Heel - &1&2 or e&a1 - brush spank step heel

SLAM - 1 - jump-out with straight legs and barely go into the air (it's more like a scoot back on your toes)

SLAP - a1 - brush touch

SLIDE - 1 - run or push off of one leg and allow your feet to glide along the floor without leaving the floor

SMACK - 1 - step on the ball of the foot with a straight leg (can also be done without weight)

SPANK (Brush Back, Draw, Pull) - 1 - swing the foot back (coming from the front or diagonally side) hitting only the ball tap

     Spank Step (Back Flap) - &1 or a1 - swing the foot back (coming from the front or diagonally side) hitting only the ball tap, step

     Spank Step Ball Change - &1&2 or a1 a2 - spank step STEP step

     Spank Step Heel - a1 2 or a&a1 - spank step heel

STAMP - 1 - lift the foot and place flat against the floor with your weight on it

STAMP STEP TOE HEEL TURN - 1 2&3 - stamp STEP toe HEEL (turning)

STEP (Leap) - 1 - lift the foot and place the ball of the foot on the floor with weight on it (leap is the same except you are "jumping" onto the foot instead of just placing it down)

STEP HEEL - 1& - step heel

     Step Heel Turn - 1&2& - step heel (turning - 2 step heels per rotation)

STEP TOE HOP TURN - 1&a2&a - step TOE hop (turning -2 sets per rotation)

STOMP - 1 - lift the foot and place it flat against the floor with NO weight on it


TIME STEP - Single Traditional - 8&1 2&3&4&5 6&7& - shuffle HOP step FLAP step

     Double Time Step Traditional - 8&1&2&3&4&5&6&7& - shuffle HOP flap FLAP step

     Triple Time Step Traditional - 8&1&a2&3&4&5&a6&7& - shuffle HOP shuffle step FLAP step

     Buck Single Time Step - 8 1 2&3&4 5 6&7& - stomp (some people add a spank after the stomp) HOP step FLAP step

     Buck Double Time Step - 8 1&2&3&4 5&6&7& - stomp (some people add a spank after the stomp) HOP flap FLAP step

     Buck Triple Time Step - 8 1&a2&3&4 5&a6&7& - stomp (some people add a spank after the stomp) HOP shuffle step FLAP step

     Single Traveling Time Step - 8&1&2&3&4 5 6&7& - shuffle step SHUFFLE BALL CHANGE BALL CHANGE hop STEP shuffle step (some people start it with the hop)

     Double Traveling Time Step - 8&1&2&3&4 5&6&7& - shuffle step SHUFFLE BALL CHANGE BALL CHANGE hop FLAP shuffle step (some people start it with the hop)

     Triple Traveling Time Step - 8&1&2&3&4 5&a6&7& - shuffle step SHUFFLE BALL CHANGE BALL CHANGE hop SHUFFLE STEP shuffle step (some people start it with the hop)

TOE (flat) - 1 - lift the toe but keep the heel on the floor, then drop the toe to the floor. There is another toe that I call a toe-tip where you lift your foot all the way off the floor and hit the very front edge of the toe on the floor - see toe-tip below

TOE (TIP) - 1 - lift the foot all the way off the floor and hit the very front edge of the toe on the floor

TOE STAND - 1 - "jump" up to the tip of your toes and balance on them

TOUCH - 1 - lift the foot and place the ball of the foot on the floor with NO weight on it

TRAVEL STEP - 1&a - step out to the side, SPANK, STEP IN

TRENCHES (Hoofer & Broadway Style) - 1 - step on one foot while the other slides backwards coming off the floor at the end of the slide


WALTZ CLOG - 1&2&3 or 1e&a2 or 1 a2 a3 - step SHUFFLE BALL CHANGE

     Double Waltz Clog - &1&2&3 or a1e&a2 - flap SHUFFLE BALL CHANGE

     Waltz Clog Pullback - 1e&a*2 - step SHUFFLE switching-pullback step

WING - &a1 - start on the balls of the feet with feet together, scrape both feet outwards and into the air, then spank both feet inwards at the same time and land on the balls of the feet with your feet together

     Double Wing (Separated, Staggered, Alternating) - &a***1 - start on the balls of the feet with feet together, scrape both feet outwards and into the air - one before the other, then spank both feet inwards - one before the other, then land on the balls of the feet - one before the other

     Single Wing (One Foot Wing) - &a1 - start on the ball of one foot, scrape your foot outwards and into the air, then spank it in and land on the ball of the foot

     Switching Wing - &a1 - start on the ball of one foot, scrape your foot outwards and into the air, then spank it in and land on the ball of the other foot

THIS is why you don't lean forward for a pullback (pick-up, grab-off)


Video demonstrations of 315 tap steps.

PDF files with steps, definitions, & counts written out.

Videos organized alphabetically & by difficulty (syllabus).

Pull Back Vs Draw Back in Tap

Source: http://tapdancedictionary.com/tapdancedictionarytop100.html

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